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瀏覽 2018-01-31

Notice of Organizing PSTAR-ICRASHof 2018 and Call for Papers



ICRASH會(huì)議是全球最為領(lǐng)先和權(quán)威的交通安全國際會(huì)議之一,始于1998,范圍涵蓋了道路安全、航空安全、軌道安全等。在這20年中,ICRASH一直致力于為全球的交通安全問題提供解決方案,并依托International Journal of Crashworthiness SCI Expanded)學(xué)術(shù)期刊,對(duì)會(huì)議論文進(jìn)行篩選和收錄,從而為全球的交通安全工程師、設(shè)計(jì)師、生物力學(xué)專家、研究學(xué)者在交通事故調(diào)查、碰撞力學(xué)、結(jié)構(gòu)耐撞性以及碰撞生物力學(xué)領(lǐng)域提供溝通交流的平臺(tái)。

ICRASH International Conference is one of the most leading and authoritative conference in the world, which focuses on road safety, aviation safety and railway safety, starting from 1998. ICRASH has been calling for papers based on the International Journal of Crashworthiness (SCI Expanded) and providing a vital forum for engineers, bioengineers, designers and researchers in the field of accident investigation, crash mechanics, structural crashworthiness and impact biomechanicsto reduce fatalities and injuries attributed from world’s crashes..


PSTAR has been organized by CATARC and NTCAS for 6 years, PSTAR has been promoting the development of standards, NCAP safety ratings and technologies on passive safety, as well as providing a vital platform for the cooperation of OEMs, organizations and universities.


Vehicle safety is facing new technical challenges as transport technologies advance to new levels using smart systems and becoming autonomous. PSTAR and ICRASH are jointly organizing this international conference in China to promote and present innovative ideas and products that contribute to the reduction in traffic crashes while improving traffic safety.

二會(huì)議主辦方 Organizer

中國汽車技術(shù)研究中心 (China Automotive Technology and Research Center)(CATARC for short)

ICRASH & Crash Engineering Solutions

Taylor & Francis GroupInternational Journal of Crashworthiness

三會(huì)議領(lǐng)域 Conference Scope

1 結(jié)構(gòu)耐撞性道路/軌道車輛/航空航天飛行器/船舶/潛艇

Structural Crashworthiness-Road and Rail Vehicles / Air and spacecraft / Ships and Submarines

2 碰撞生物力學(xué)載運(yùn)工具乘員/弱勢道路使用者(自行車使用者及行人)

Impact Biomechanics-Vehicle Occupants / Vulnerable Road Users (Cyclists and Pedestrians)

3 安全系統(tǒng)和材料乘員約束系統(tǒng)/能量吸收裝置/金屬和復(fù)合材料

Safety Systems and Materials-Vehicle Occupant Restraints/Energy Absorbers / Metallic and Composite Materials

4 事故調(diào)查和重建現(xiàn)實(shí)世界數(shù)據(jù)庫

Accident Survey and Reconstruction-Real World Database / Realistic Regulations / Type Approval Tests / Customer Rating Systems


Modelling-Simulation and Validation


Intelligent Safety-Combination of Active & Passive Safety

四會(huì)議時(shí)間/地點(diǎn) Time & Venue

2018.7.25-27 西安中國  July,25-27 2018  ChinaXian

會(huì)議場地/Venue:建國飯店 JianguoHotel

具體地點(diǎn)及相關(guān)時(shí)間節(jié)點(diǎn)請(qǐng)?jiān)斠姼郊?/span>1 Please see the attachment 1 about the detail

五會(huì)議論文征集Call for Paper

會(huì)議學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì)接收的所有論文都要經(jīng)過同行評(píng)審,篩選后在本次會(huì)議論文集中發(fā)表。會(huì)議之后,將挑選30篇論文集中的優(yōu)秀論文及主題演講論文(英文)將發(fā)表在The International Journal of Crashworthiness期刊上,此期刊為SCI Expanded檢索期刊。推薦優(yōu)秀論文(中/英)發(fā)表在《汽車安全與節(jié)能學(xué)報(bào)》上。

All the papers received by the academic committee will be filtered and then published in the conference proceedings after peer review. The outstanding papers in the conference proceeding will be published in The International Journal of Crashworthiness, which is SCI Expanded.


 If you do not have enough time to submit the abstract and full text, it is ok to submit the full text within one month after the meeting. But the speakers should submit the abstract and full text or presentation of speech before themeeting so we can do arrangement.


About the requirements and deadlines for abstracts and papers, please see the attachment 1 and attachment 2.

六會(huì)議注冊與繳費(fèi) Conference Registration and Payment


Sincerely welcome all experts in relevant fields from enterprises, universities and organizations to attend ICRASH 2018 conference. The academic keynote speech, keynote speech on application in enterprises, and workshop will be planned in the conference where there will be a variety of communication and discussion in different fields. We hope that you could share your researches and inspire others and also be inspired as well.


The conference registration and payment will be available on Jan. 1st, 2018.

注冊與繳費(fèi)要求請(qǐng)?jiān)斠姼郊?/span>3.  About the registration and payment, please see the attachment 3.

七其他信息 Others


The subsequent information (time, hotel and papers) will be updated in this website, please stay tuned.

會(huì)議聯(lián)系人 Contacts


Li Chong/ Mr.




SunZhendong/ Mr.



86 15102232579


86 13920549405






附件:1. Call for Paper  中文
          2. ICRASH2018-call for paper_EN
          3. Instructions for authors ICRASH2018
          4. Tips for accommodation and bus routes.(中英文)
          5. 注冊繳費(fèi)表格 Registration Form



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